Some things can never be undone. The horrors I’ve defeated—or even caused—with my own hands … they are nothing compared to what’s coming. Philip Pinkerton has brought his madness upon my family, my own blood. His army of necromancers is on the move, harbingers of a great darkness. I fear the war has begun … and damn, I don’t get paid enough for this.
Available on Amazon (ebook and print), Barnes & Noble (print), Audible (audio), and Apple Books (audio).

“Book 3 of Eric Asher’s Vesik series is the best yet. This really says something because the first two books are amazing. The cast of characters is so well defined at this point, that they live in my thoughts like some of the greats from my literary adventures. Holmes, Reacher, Robie and of course the incomprable Harry Dresden. I started with this series as a space filler, just something to pass the time while Butcher gets it together and delivers Peace Talks. I wasn’t expecting to be so blown away by Asher’s work, and I am so ready to see where this story goes! Vesik and the Death’s Door Crew should be on your must read list.” – Chris Hall
“An epic battle is brewing between necromancers. One wants to destroy the world to save his love from pain and the other has to destroy the necromancer to save his world and those he loves. Along the way there will be devoured chimichungas, many frappachinos, gravemakers and high possibility of zombies.” – Andrea Laws